Tag Archives: deaf

Dixie, the Blind Deaf Goat.

When we decided we wanted to add goats to our farm I did a lot of research (I am a planner) and decided that Nubian would be the best choice for us since we wanted them for milk, but we couldn’t find any less than $200 which my frugal mind just couldn’t comprehend.


We knew  friends of ours were kiko goat breeders.  When we started discussing with them that we wanted to get a few goats for milk, we discovered that they had a little doe who was abandoned by her mother and she was blind.  They said if we wanted her, we could have her.  Kikos are meat goats, but I was wondering if they could be used for milk.  There was no information to say yeah or nay on this subject.  We went to visit their ranch to see what we could see. Continue reading Dixie, the Blind Deaf Goat.